Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get that preggers glow.. WITHOUT the preggers :P

So, everyone knows that " glowing " effect pregnancy has on some women... well, I feel like us non-preggos should be able to benefit from a similar effect using makeup, minus the morning sickness!

What you'll need:

  • blush (rosy pink for fair skin to deep pink/mauve for darker skin)
  • bronzer (I absolutely adore physicians formula bronzer sun strip because I can use it as eye shadow as well.. PERFECT for on the go during the summer and fall!)
  • Highlighter 

  1. After applying your foundation (or if you don't need or want foundation, after you've applied your moisturizer) Take a makeup brush and smile... apply your blush to the apples of your cheeks and apply outward toward your temple (so an upward stroke).. Its ok if it comes out dark.. your going to blend everything later anyways :)
  2. Continue smiling and with your brush apply the bronzer to the area BELOW where you applied your blush... it should bronze the area below the apples of your cheeks. Apply in the same fashion.. upward and outward to about, your ears. Again, it's ok if it looks dark.
  3. with the highlighter.. USE sparingly.. apply it above the apple of your cheeks... then each side of the nose.. then your temples... you should always highlight the middle of your face to accentuate your assets :)
  4. now take a big makeup brush and blend.
You now have that "glow" :)

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