Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cat eye, winged, or liquid eyeliner

SO, you're in love with the dramatic look liquid eyeliner makes.. but you just can't seem to get it right? Well, I'm not going to lie... I had a hard time with perfecting a look without looking ridiculous when it came to liquid eyeliner. I just couldn't seem to get it perfect like I can with a eye pencil or kohl.. Well I have the perfect solution to make things easier! All you need is a regular eye pencil and the matching color liquid eyeliner (here obviously I chose black for both)

First take your pointer finger and place it at the outer corner of your eye... then pull. This creates a flat lid so it's way easier to get right above your lashes.

 Start with the eye pencil and glide it from your inner eye all the way to where your finger is.. then go over it with the liquid  eyeliner. this will give you that darker, shiny look but it's more perfect looking than a thin line made by just the liquid eyeliner alone!!!

If you want to do your bottom lids as well pull down right below your eye and line the bottom inner lid. POOF magic!


So.. all these self claimed "professional" makeup artists always have these ridiculously expensive makeups that aren't only a pain in the butt to get (who wants to go to the mall after 16 anyways right??).. but there's totally no need to spend 15 dollars on a LIP PENCIL, or 30 DOLLARS for a 1 ounce tube of foundation. (ONE OUNCE.. that's enough for like... not even 2 weeks.. wth?!)

I'm in LOVE LOVE LOVE with Physicians Formula. Not only can you get it at your local CVS or Target.. but this is seriously the BEST makeup I've ever used. I'm so impressed with all the things I've tried so far and I'm now becoming obsessive about trying it all :)

The eye shadow palettes (shimmer strips) that are especially made for certain color eyes.. are absolutely incredible. As I have green eyes, I can't even TELL you how much the "Green eye candy shimmer strips" have made my eyes POP. (here's the webpage to see what colors are included for your specific eye color)

And it doesn't just stop with the eye shadows. Their awesome concealers made to specifically for problem areas are sooooooo perfect.. especially if you suffer from dark circles, age spots, rosacea, acne or even if you just have that one random zit thats driving you crazy on the day of a big event!

The green concealer, like the one seen here,

conceals anything red. 

The yellow concealer, like the one seen here,

Conceals anything dark or bluish. (under eye circles.. bruises even age spots!)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Fake eyelashes WITHOUT the fake!!! :)

I know a lot of people that wear fake eyelashes to get that eye popping, sexy look. Well.. what if I told you I could make your REAL lashes look that way with a little secret that's WICKED cheap.

- Vaseline
-mascara type brush
- (optional) Physicians Formula eyelash boosting serum in clear (this isn't needed but it SERIOUSLY works... it's 11 bucks at cvs and let me tell you, after only 3 uses I've noticed a huge difference.. so if you're that involved in getting thicker, longer eyelashes I totally recommend this product)

1.)First I put on the physicians formula boosting serum and make sure I get it right between my lashes :) but if you're going to skip this step, start with number 2

2.) stick the mascara brush in the vaseline and wipe it against the inside of the jar.

3.) just like applying mascara, apply the vaseline onto your lashes, making sure to get even the little lashes.

4.) DO THIS EVERY night before bed and you'll notice a HUGE difference in the length and thickness when you apply mascara.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Acne? Tried almost EVERYTHING?!?!?!.. TRY THIS!!!!

So, I'm very fortunate in the fact that up until recently I've NEVER had an acne problem. Not even in high school.
Seriously.. if you're not one of those " all natural chicks" WASH YOUR face with baby shampoo. SERIOUSLY. It's AMAZING. It's so sensitive and it clears away all those impurities. I recommend it as a cleanser for anyone, including teens!
If you like the idea of an all natural solution...

For acne I recommend Apple cider vinegar. (seriously)... mix one part water with one part apple cider vinegar and apply like a toner. I even keep this solution in a water bottle in my bathroom.
After using the cider toner, apply jojoba oil and gently wipe off. Sounds CRAZY to use oil on acne right? WILL YOU JUST TRUST ME?

 Jojoba is believed to reduce the sebaceous 
gland's production of oil and helps to break down the dirt, 

oil, and bacteria that blocks pores and can lead to acne. It is 

non-greasy and is easily absorbed by the skin. This can help 

the pores and hair follicles function properly and reduce the 

risk of further outbreaks of acne.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get that preggers glow.. WITHOUT the preggers :P

So, everyone knows that " glowing " effect pregnancy has on some women... well, I feel like us non-preggos should be able to benefit from a similar effect using makeup, minus the morning sickness!

What you'll need:

  • blush (rosy pink for fair skin to deep pink/mauve for darker skin)
  • bronzer (I absolutely adore physicians formula bronzer sun strip because I can use it as eye shadow as well.. PERFECT for on the go during the summer and fall!)
  • Highlighter 

  1. After applying your foundation (or if you don't need or want foundation, after you've applied your moisturizer) Take a makeup brush and smile... apply your blush to the apples of your cheeks and apply outward toward your temple (so an upward stroke).. Its ok if it comes out dark.. your going to blend everything later anyways :)
  2. Continue smiling and with your brush apply the bronzer to the area BELOW where you applied your blush... it should bronze the area below the apples of your cheeks. Apply in the same fashion.. upward and outward to about, your ears. Again, it's ok if it looks dark.
  3. with the highlighter.. USE sparingly.. apply it above the apple of your cheeks... then each side of the nose.. then your temples... you should always highlight the middle of your face to accentuate your assets :)
  4. now take a big makeup brush and blend.
You now have that "glow" :)

OMG... so, I tried this last night and my skin looked perfect.

Well, honest ta blog I've always had nice skin... all through high school I never had an issue except maybe a zit around, well ya know. But JEEPERS.. now at 27 I'm breaking out like's driving me crazy... obviously my first and foremost option is to get rid of it... but during that time of healing.. what the heck am I supposed to do? Go on a date looking like a 16 year old pizza face?! Nooooo way. So last night I did my makeup and it came out like a magazine cover and was sooooooooo easy!

You need: 

  • Moisturizer (or primer (Recipe: Moisturizer, aloe vera gel, and a little foundation)
  • Foundation
  • Concealer
  • Powder
  • Optional: green and yellow blemish sticks (you can actually get travel sized at Cvs or walgreens for really cheap and they last a LONG TIME! Green makes red disappear... yellow gets rid of dark circles and any dark skin spots!!!

So, many makeup artists will tell you that it's important to prime before applying make up... I only find this true when you have acne.. so if you don't skip the primer and just moisturize well!

  1. Apply the primer/moisturizer all over face and neck. I like to use clean hands for this process cause it spreads better.
  2. If you bought the green blemish stick cover your red acne and blend so you can only see the green a little... if you bought the yellow cover your dark circles leaving a little yellow showing
  3. time for foundation! Cover well your whole face and neck.. You can use a makeup sponge.. but again I prefer my hands because it spreads it out better and makes it smoother
  4. concealer for those acne spots, blend well
  5. and last but not least powder! use a nice big makeup brush and use circular motions to blend it onto your face and neck. 

Woolllahhh!!! Perfect skin :) Now your ready for highlighting and contouring.. which is actually surprisingly easy! :) I'll be posting a blog about it as well!